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Solicitation Q&A

Please e-mail all questions about the solicitation process to Janice Benard at


Question: What are EMQs and how are they related to unit pricing? 

Answer:  The Estimated Monthly Quantity (EMQ) is the estimate of the amount or quantity of services projected to be provided during the month.  The EMQs listed on respecitve RFPs were calculated based on the district's historical spending from the past three fiscal years.  Be careful to not confuse the EMQ with the number of clients that are estimated to utilize the contract.  For example, for project code 2020 (Group Counseling) the units are per 30-minute session (regardless of the frequency or duration of the program) while project code 2011 (Intake Assessment and Report) the unit price is per plan.


Question:  Are past awarded contracts available to view?  

Answer:  No, past awarded contracts contain pricing information which is not avaiable to the public.


Question: Who determines the co-pay and what happens if it is not paid?

AnswerThe probation officer making the referral determines the co-pay and the probation office will pay the co-pay amount whenever the client does not.  


Question:  Must a vendor provide all services outlined in an RFP?

AnswerYes, a vendor must have the ability to provide all services listed in the RFP.  Additionally, subcontracting for services is also a possibility and the paramerts of subcontracting is outlined in the RFP.


Question: Who are the district's current contract providers?

Answer: Our current contract provider list is as follows:

  • Chiropractic Center in North Conway – UA Collection
  • Daron Friedman in Keene – Sex Offender Treatment
  • Farnum Center in Manchester – Detox/Inpatient Treatment, SUD Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  • Horizons in Laconia – SUD Outpatient, UA Collection
  • Northeast Truth Consultants – Polygraph Testing (statewide)
  • Reentry Resources Counseling in Manchester – SUD Outpatient, MH Outpatient, Specialty Drug Court
  • RTT Associates in Manchester and Concord – SUD Outpatient, MH Outpatient, Sex Offender Treatment
  • Southeastern NH Services in Dover – SUD Therapeutic Community Services, SUD Outpatient, UA Collection
  • Sullivan County House of Corrections in Claremont – UA Collection


Question Are there gender specific requriements?

AnswerThe Statement of Work and Local Needs Requests outlined in the RFPs require that services are offered to male and female clients.


Question:  Do you multiply the EMQs by the Unit Price and then put that total in the column under Unit Price?

Answer:  You do not multiply the EMQs into your unit pricing, please put the standalone unit price for the service in the Unit Price column.


Question: What goes in Block 8 of Section A?

Answer: 365 days.


Question: How do you fill out Block 10 - Amendments of Section A if you don't have any? 

Answer: Leave that section blank if it is not applicable to your bid.


Question: How do you submit a unit price for a urine test?  Is there different prices for observed and unobserved collections?

Answer: The unit price is for each sample collected and the SOW outlines the paramerts for observed and unobserved UA collection procedures.  


Question: Do you list unit pricing for sweat patch and braethealyzer testing under the UA collection RFP? 

Answer:  No, the UA RFP is only soliciting pricing for UA collection and not other testing methods.


Question: Are existing contractrs required to list references?

Answer: No, pursuant ot Section L - Preparation of Offeror's References in the RFP, offeres who are currently awarded an agreement with our agency are not required to provide references.