Workforce Initiatives and Programs
NH Works for Recovery: Explore the variety of services provided by the New Hampshire career centers, “NH Works.” There are 12 locations across the state. Find the one closest to you! (brochure)
WIOA: Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act provides eligible adults with professional career counseling and access to a wide range of employment and training-related services. This helps participants increase their earning potential and helps New Hampshire employers meet their workforce needs.
Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative: Led by Governor Chris Sununu, New Hampshire’s “Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative” promotes wellness for residents by empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance abuse disorder.
Vocational Rehabilitation: New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation offers a variety of services including counseling, vocational testing, job-seeking skills training, job development services, and vocational exploration.
Work Ready NH: “WorkReadyNH” is a practical, tuition-free program designed to meet the needs of job seekers and career builders by providing training in specific skills that employers are looking for in their current and future employees.
Job Launch: Offers a one-stop shop for the job seeker in any stage of addiction recovery. They meet the individual “where they are at” and guide them, via confidential and free one-on-one service, using a comprehensive service plan that is customized to their personal vocational and recovery needs. (brochure)
Workplace Success Program: WSP prepares TANF participants to enter the workforce by providing them with skills, knowledge, experience, and support needed to obtain employment.
O*NET Interest Profiler At My Next Move: This interest profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. This will help you decide what kinds of careers you may want to explore.
A mobile-based platform that you can use to find jobs faster than ever before. With JobGet, there are no resumes or cover letters required. You can apply for jobs with a single click, and connect with employers instantly. Try the number one job searching app and find a job today! (brochure)
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